Grades 3-6 Lesson 11 Handout
for Sunday School

Imitators of Christ:  Others First

Imitators of Christ, by Lisa DeVinney

Memory Verse:

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves.”  Philippians 2:3

Key verses or thoughts for this week:
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.  Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:”  Philippians 2:4-5
It’s human nature to put our own needs and interests ahead of others.  But our lesson today shows us that Jesus’ mind works a little differently.  Instead of putting Himself first, Jesus puts others first.  So if we’re going to be Christ-like, we need to learn to do the same.
Activity to do at home:                 

Try to make a special effort, this week, to discover and meet someone else’s need. Remember, this may require you to put your own plans on hold for awhile.  If you’d like to, write down what you did, and how the person you helped responded, and bring it in to share with the class next week.  Be prepared to also share how you felt as you put others first, just like Jesus.

Devotional Poem:


Jesus, then others, then you –
What a wonderful way to spell “JOY.”
Jesus, then others, then you,
In the life of each girl and each boy.

J” is for Jesus, for He has first place.
O” is for others we meet face to face.
Y” is for you.  In whatever you do,
Put yourself third, and spell JOY!

- Author Unknown

Suggested Prayer:  Thank You, Lord, for teaching me about the very mind of Christ, showing me what I should do if I want to be like Him.  Give me the desire to do just that, Lord; to put the needs of others ahead of my own, and reach out to them with the love of Christ that you’ve put in my heart.  Thank You for the opportunities You give me each day to minister to others.  And help me to get rid of all of my selfishness, so that I can truly reach out, in love, to others as You would have me to.  Amen.

Lisa DeVinney, October, 2017
