Momma’s Bandana





I opened the drawer and saw them
I’d seen them dozens of times before
At garage sales over the years
Shopping with the kids at the store
But it was as if I was seeing them
For the first time
Because now I saw them
Through Memory’s eyes
Sigh! Momma wore a bandana
To tie back her hair
I could see her now so clear
I couldn't resist
I had to put one on
And I looked in the mirror
To see if it looked the same
On me like it did on mother's face
I always thought my sister, Teri
Looked more like her
For once, I could see
That I too, was Momma's little girl
My memories of Momma
Are so very few
Thank you, God
For giving me
This blessing of memory
I really needed one
Take care of Momma
Till I too, come home

-- Tammy Hornbeck